
This Policy was formulated after consultation with staff, pupils and parents of Killasser N S.  We have been active in raising the awareness of pupils of the importance of healthy eating.

In this Policy we are focused on supporting parents and pupils in developing healthy eating at an early age.


Healthy Eating is an essential component of the overall health of children, and as such is part of the holistic education that we advocate as part of our school ethos and environment.

In drawing up this Policy we hope to promote lifelong education of healthy eating for mind and body.


Our aims are:

  • to help children improve concentration, learning and energy levels
  • to support parents and children to make healthy enjoyable decisions around food
  • to develop nutritional awareness, e.g. ingredients in food
  • to support the school’s Environmental Policy - reusable containers, minimise wrappers, etc.



  • A healthy lunchbox includes a piece of food from each of the first four shelves of the Food Pyramid(see accompanying leaflet).
  • Healthy choices of drink include water, milk and fruit juices, bur fizzy drinks are not allowed.
  • Some of the healthy snacks we encourage for small break include popcorn, fruit, flapjacks, yoghurt, raisins, crackers, etc.
  • Foods which have wrappers are to be kept to a minimum, and the wrappers disposed of properly to reduce litter and protect our school environment.
  • Friday may be considered a Treat Day, i.e. one piece of food from the top shelf of the food pyramid.  Healthy treats are encouraged, e.g., cereal bar, flapjack, muffin, rice crispie bun, slice of cake, fruit brack.
  • The following foods are not allowed: crisps, chewing gum, and lollipops.
  • Exceptions may be made, for example, on end of term days, where a child may bring a small item for their class party.


Success Criteria

We will know that the Policy is effective if the awareness of the School Community is heightened and if all the children bring healthy lunches to school.


Roles and Responsibility

Teachers will monitor the progress of the Policy in their own classrooms.  Teachers give good example through their own healthy eating habits.


Time Frame for Implementation and Review

This Policy will be implemented during the school year 2009-2010 and will be reviewed in January 2011.


Ratification and Communication

A draft of this Policy is being circulated to all staff and parents.  Comments and suggestions are invited.

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